Friday, 28 March 2014

Groupthink - RIP Tony Benn

I was saddened to read of the passing of Tony Benn recently. I had the great pleasure to hear him speak a few years ago and was inspired and moved by his words and ideas.

I wanted to pay a small tribute to him and I think that this song is one he might have enjoyed! It concerns a psychological phenomenon called - Groupthink:

Groupthink, a term coined by social psychologist Irving Janis (1972), occurs when a group makes faulty decisions because group pressures lead to a deterioration of “mental efficiency, reality testing, and moral judgment”.  Groups affected by groupthink ignore alternatives and tend to take irrational actions that dehumanize other groups.  A group is especially vulnerable to groupthink when its members are similar in background, when the group is insulated from outside opinions, and when there are no clear rules for decision making.

I thought this song to be a good tribute when I read this quote from Mr Benn:

"I try to operate on two unconnected levels. One on the practical level of action in which I am extremely cautious and conservative. The second is the realm of ideas where I try to be very free."

I think that this personal philosophy is one that could protect anyone in the realms of power from the detrimental effects of groupthink.

Anyway, here are the lyrics:


A tight knit group of people from a similar background
With no clear purpose, no outside opinions
Come under pressure with crucial decisions
Groupthink starts restricting visions
A belief in their inherent morality
Discounting warnings, minds made up blindly
Filtering out anything contradictory
The Subtle pressure toward conformity

We'll never learn any lessons
If our assumptions can never be questioned
You may start out with the best of intentions
But you'll become careless and irrational
Censor yourself to appear affable
Oh, Groupthink

When a group of politicians confront a situation
They've always got one eye on the next election
Toe the party line, stick to your faction
No room for doubts or deviations
Under pressure to have an opinion
Especially the one from the party meeting
Consider the facts but do it quickly
There's strength in unity so don't contradict me

We'll never learn any lessons
If our assumptions can never be questioned
You may start out with the best of intentions
But you'll become careless and irrational
Censor yourself to appear affable
Oh, Groupthink

In a state of confusion, swiftly drawn conclusions
It's bad intelligence that's seen as truth when
It fits in with hidden agendas
Group think is, in the the end a
Phenomenon that can be tragic
We make mistakes and we're quick to panic
Sometimes the truth is hard to find
If you don't dissent and open your eyes!

We'll never learn any lessons
If our assumptions can never be questioned
You may start out with the best of intentions
But you'll become careless and irrational
Censor yourself to appear affable
Oh, Groupthink

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